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160912 | Parish Council Meeting – Minutes 12-Sept-2016 - Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council held on Monday 12th September 2016 at
the Parish Office, Unit 3 Bosprowal Business Units, Penhale Road, Carnhell Green, Camborne commencing at



N Bawden
T Homes
R Norman
M Roberts (Vice Chairman)
M Smith (Vice Chairman)
D Wilkins

A Burt
Mrs S Negus
L Pascoe
S Rowe (Chairman)
J Tovey

Others present

2 members of the public
Mrs Vida Perrin, Clerk to the Council

1.  Routine matters
a) Safety Procedure – The Chairman advised of the fire exits, location of toilets and asked that mobile
phones be switched to silent during the meeting. He stated questions through the Chair only.
b) Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Cupples.
c) To receive personal and prejudicial interests (including the details thereof) and preapproved
dispensations in respect of any items on this Agenda. There were no preapproved dispensations in
respect of any items on this Agenda.
i. Cllr Pascoe declared that “In commenting on any item on this agenda I should make it clear that my
comments are based on the information currently available and do not commit me to taking the same
position when the matter is discussed at Cornwall Council and full information is available”.

ii. Cllr Burt declared a personal interest in item 5a, being a neighbour to the property.

d) Public Participation.
i. A member of the public advised the Parish Council that the Police had been monitoring traffic speeds
in Connor Downs which was a positive sign but noted speeding was still arising in Angarrack Lane.

ii. A member of the public thanked the Parish Council for forwarding him information regarding
correspondence on the sewage issue at Gwithian and felt that although the situation had diminished so
far this year it still needed monitoring particularly through the winter months. He also said he had
attended a meeting regarding the proposed Heliport at Penzance to the Isles of Scilly, he circulated a
feedback form he had picked up from the meeting to Councillors and advised that a planning
application was being submitted this month and in his opinion felt the project should be supported as it
would benefit the local economy.

iv. Cllr Roberts asked whether the PC could ask for information on the Police operation in Connor
Downs and this was agreed.

2.  Minutes
a) To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 August 2016. After one
alteration, Cllr Smith proposed the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
Cllr Norman seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED.
b) Business arising from the Minutes. None.

3. Reports
a) Information from the Devon & Cornwall Police website –
Cllr Smith advised that the figure for June was high due to Hayle being included.
b) Verbal reports from Parish Councillors/representatives (Note: Limited to under one minute per report)
i. Over 50’s Forum - Cllr Wilkins advised that he attended the meeting on behalf of the PC,
unfortunately the Chairman was unable to attend but they did receive and hour and half talk on
ii. Parish Tea – Cllr Pascoe advised the event was very successful and thanked the staff and Cllrs who
organised the event.
c) Written reports from Parish Councillors/representatives. None.

4. Correspondence received
a) CDRA – email regarding traffic issues in Connor Downs. The Clerk advised there would be
Streetscape meetings with community groups this week.

b) Cormac – email reference dragons teeth at Roseworthy. The meeting agreed to wait until the
Streetscape group had viewed the information before pursuing the matter.

c) Zurich Insurance – email reference Insurance Premium Tax. Noted.

d) St Erth Neighbourhood Plan. Noted.

e) Tesco – Bags of Help Scheme – grant application unsuccessful. The Clerk advised that the
Community Link Officer at CC had advised she would be happy to help with a fresh application and the
meeting agreed to try again.

f) CC – Governance Review – reply to letter. After a debate the meeting agreed to invite Cllr Pollard to
the 10th October meeting to discuss the GREG review and consultation process further.

g) Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Plan 2016-2021. After a debate the meeting agreed the
Clerk review the plan regarding Godrevy and report back any matters arising.

h) CC – Consultation on free distribution of printed matter ‘Flyering’. Noted.

i) Internal Audit Report. The Clerk advised the External Auditor required further information.

To consider planning matters

a) PA16/07480 Outline Planning Permission with Some Matters Reserved: Demolition of existing dwelling
and construction of up to two dwellings. - 43 Upton Towans Hayle Cornwall TR27 5BL Mr and Mrs
Doug Graham Planning Zone Officers Cllr Bawden (Lead) Cllr Homes (Support).
i. Cllr Bawden presented the application and had no issues to raise.
ii. Cllr Homes raised the issue of the proximity of the bungalow on the main road to this site, the bungalow
is set well back in its plot and is very close to the proposal, he suggested there may be an issue with
shadowing and a possible solution could be to move the garage to the other side of the new bungalow
or changing the roof profile assuming these is an issue with shadowing.
iii. Cllr Bawden proposed the Parish Council raise no objection assuming the new properties do not cause
overshadowing to the existing bungalow on the main road and suggest if there is overshadowing
consideration be given to changing the roof profile or swapping the garage to the other side. Seconded
by Cllr Homes with 8 in favour and 2 abstentions the proposal was RESOLVED.
b) PA16/07481 Construction of single-storey front extension to form new main entrance, reception and
admin office; raise the height of part of existing classroom roof and install new windows and associated
external works. - Connor Downs Primary School 10 Mutton Hill Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27
5DH Planning Zone officers Cllr Bawden (Lead) Cllr Homes (Support).
i. Cllr Bawden advised that no issues had been raised with the scale of the development but concerns
had been raised regarding the architecture not being in keeping with the original building.
ii. Cllr Smith agreed stating the original building has great value in the village.
iii. Cllr Roberts felt the vernacular architecture of the new extension should follow the original building
in the same way the original extension did.
iv. Cllr Bawden proposed the Parish Council raise no objection to the scale of the development but
object regarding the design of the proposal asking that it be more in line with the vernacular
architecture following the original buildings design and features. Seconded by Cllr Tovey with all in
favour the proposal was RESOLVED.
c) PA16/07623 Non-material amendment for revised garage positions, pitch to roof to garages, windows
to bathroom and en-suites to plots 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 and 14 to PA15/00989 - Land East Of Relistian
Lane Reawla Hayle Cornwall TR27 5HE Planning Zone Officers Cllr Roberts (Lead) Cllr Negus
(Support). Cllr Roberts raised no concern and proposed no objection, seconded by Cllr Wilkins with all
in favour the proposal was RESOLVED.
d) Planning Correspondence
i) to receive list of notifications from Cornwall Council 03/08/16 to 06/09/16. Noted.

6. Other matters requiring decisions of the Council
a) To consider a report from the Community Pride Officer and approve any actions.
i. Cllr Norman asked if the goal nets had been replaced, the Clerk said that she would chase Cllr
ii. Cllr Tovey raised the issue of the condition of the bus shelters in Reawla which did not appear to
have been cleaned for some time. The Clerk advised that she had taken pictures of the state of the
shelter and forwarded these to the CPO who advised he would attend to them more regularly.
b) Receipts and payments: To approve receipts and payments from 9th Aug to 12th Sept 2016.
The following payments are now due:





Salaries / PAYE & NI
Recreation / Street Scene
Hall Hire / Office Space
Projects / Capital
Cllr Bawden proposed the payments be approved, seconded by Cllr Norman with all in favour the
proposal was RESOLVED.
CC Communities and Devolution – Electoral Review. After a debate regarding the review Cllr Rowe
proposed the Parish Council writes advising that the number of Cornwall Councillors should remain the
same and Cllr Homes, Roberts and Smith frame a reply to CC regarding the discussion tonight within
the next 2 weeks. Cllr Smith seconded the proposal with all in favour the proposal was RESOLVED.
To consider a grant application from Shelter Cornwall. The meeting agreed to consider the application
in November along with other applications.
To receive information regarding vacancies on the planning partnership. Cllr Norman proposed she
submit an application to join the panel and ask if Cllr Homes can take her place if she is unable to
attend. Seconded by Cllr Homes with all in favour the proposal was RESOLVED.
To receive information regarding the Connor Downs dog bin survey. The meeting felt that there was
insufficient evidence to show a need for any further bins as Connor Downs is well stocked. The
meeting agreed to advise the community of the outcome.

7.  Late or urgent items not on the agenda
i. Cllr Rowe advised that he had received complaints of litter, alcohol cans and loud music from a
caravan site in Bosparva. The Clerk suggested anyone who had concerns could contact
Environmental Health at CC or the Police if they were concerned regarding anti-social behavior.

8.  Agenda items for future meetings
a) Raised in public participation. These had been dealt with earlier in the meeting.
b) Raised by members. None.
c) Late items notified to the Clerk. None.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm.

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